Kapuslaik Kemhan RI Visits Infoglobal

Aptitude Centre Chief at Ministry of Defence RI (Kapuslaik Kemhan RI), Air Commodore Mohammad Yani Rudiansyah, S.T., S.I.P accompanied by Colonel Tech. Andi Solihin as IDAA (Indonesian Defence Airworthiness Authority) team leader and its staff visits Infoglobal Workshop on May 16, 2023. The visitation is a series of Defence Airworthiness certification process COA ADARS (Certificate of Approval - Approved Defence Aircraft Repair Station).

This activity is held on 15-17 May 2023, started from defence production facility worthiness verification of Infoglobal in producing the products which are used to strengthening air defence.

With this processes (ADARS certification), it is hoped that Infoglobal defence production facility can meet the requirement to produce defence equipment which not only can be used by military institutions, but also can be used by other defence institutions, such as Bakamla, Basarnas, POLRI, and so on.