Infoglobal to Extend Certificate of Airworthiness for FND and DEI

Infoglobal has extended the Certificate of Airworthiness for several avionics products issued by Puslaiklambambangjaau. This extension is an effort to guarantee the quality of the avionics products produced.

The avionics products whose certificates have been extended are the Flight Navigation Display (FND) and Digital Engine Indicator (DEI) which are avionics for the KT-1B aircraft.

A series of document verification and functional test activities were held on March 13 2024 at the Infoglobal Workshop. Previously, Infoglobal had also extended the airworthiness certificates for several other avionics, such as EFD-5.5, EFD-6.0, FMD-A13, and CIMD 10.4 in September 2023. This aims to ensure that these products are fit for use.